Black Girls Work Out Too Phase 1 Review

I recently purchased the Black Girls Work Out Too DVD from Amazon after watching several celebrity stars transform. If I lived in Atlanta, I would definitely be at the Gymnetics Gym.
My Initial Review
I ordered the DVD on a Thursday and received it on a Monday. I was so excited to finally receive my package, especially after looking at everyone's results on Instagram, it is so motivating!!! Included with the DVD is a 30 Day Meal Plan to help your body drop those unwanted pounds. In the meal plan, it explains the types of foods you should avoid and take in during this time. Keep in mind, this is also a lifestyle change and once your body gets the hang of not having those unhealthy foods, you will not crave them as much. I was very pleased with the meal plan and it also included a few recipes too.
After receiving my DVD of course I had to post a picture on Instagram for everyone to see that I was also joining the challenge. I tagged both the mother and daughter duo in my post and do you know Ellen Ector actually responded back to my post!!!! How exciting is that?!!! I know she gets tons of tags everyday from women, but the fact that she actually responded to my post made me even more excited to join her challenge. Not to mention, Lana Ector liked my post...Its the little things that count.
So after all the excitement, I woke up the first morning so unprepared. I was so exhausted the night before and didn't get to prepare anything the night before. I had an early morning meeting, so I had to rush out the house to make it to the office in time so I only grabbed a few cuties, a pear, an apple and a can of pinto beans. So needless to say I winged it because I was not feeling my first day. On top of all of that, I woke up starving. I feel like when you take on challenges like this, you definitely need to prepare your meals beforehand to help you stay on track.
Since I forgot breakfast, I went downstairs to the cafeteria at work and ordered an egg white omelet with tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, spinach, green and red peppers. Breakfast made me feel good, I was full and drank plenty of water. In order for me to stay on track I ended up purchasing lunch from the cafeteria as well. NOTE TO SELF...always pack your food.
I made it through the day without any prepared meals and still managed to stick to the Meal Plan, so it can be done. When I got home, I went to Kick ball practice and came home and started the DVD. It was about 40 mins. I was already exhausted from practice so this workout really kicked my butt, I did not make it through the whole DVD, but I could definitely feel the burn.
The workout consists of a total body workout, you will work out every part of your body. I love this workout because they understand as women we sometimes want to lose weight but we don't necessarily want to lose everything. You will need 2-5 lb dumbbells but you can still complete the workout without the dumbbells and trust me you will still feel it (I did not have my dumbbells the first day).
I am now on Day 3 and have stuck with the detox plan. I am really proud of myself. I have the tendency to not stick with plans especially when you talk about limiting my food intake. For some reason when I cant have certain foods my senses tend to perk up and I can smell everything from the butter in the corn to the caramel in the ice cream.
The one thing I do want to point out is the Black Girls Work Out Too DVD is not only for Black Women. Anyone can purchase and complete this DVD it is not limited to one race. We as black women tend to not take as much pride/care in our health and this was a great DVD to show you that we all can be fit and healthy. I mean look at Ellen Ector she's 60 years old and in better shape than I am.
To learn more about the Mother/Daughter Duo visit
To purchase your copy of Black Girls Work Out Too visit Amazon at
The workout consists of a total body workout, you will work out every part of your body. I love this workout because they understand as women we sometimes want to lose weight but we don't necessarily want to lose everything. You will need 2-5 lb dumbbells but you can still complete the workout without the dumbbells and trust me you will still feel it (I did not have my dumbbells the first day).
I am now on Day 3 and have stuck with the detox plan. I am really proud of myself. I have the tendency to not stick with plans especially when you talk about limiting my food intake. For some reason when I cant have certain foods my senses tend to perk up and I can smell everything from the butter in the corn to the caramel in the ice cream.
The one thing I do want to point out is the Black Girls Work Out Too DVD is not only for Black Women. Anyone can purchase and complete this DVD it is not limited to one race. We as black women tend to not take as much pride/care in our health and this was a great DVD to show you that we all can be fit and healthy. I mean look at Ellen Ector she's 60 years old and in better shape than I am.
To learn more about the Mother/Daughter Duo visit
To purchase your copy of Black Girls Work Out Too visit Amazon at
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